Wednesday, June 29, 2005


A costom upright photo of HK-47 I made with photoshop.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

KOTOR 3: the ongoing list

This is where I will be posting my personal preferences for KOTOR 3. This will be an ongoing post.

Four years after the Sith Lords, the Jedi acadamy on courasont is thriving thanks to a jedi Master Nietzsche that has comeback from the outer-rim and inspired a large Jedi revival after the near extinction of them only years before.

One of the leading members on the council is your character. Along with Master Nietzsche and other the game starts off diliberating the where abouts of Revan. In these diliberations, your character is sent with the party of his choosing to go in search of Revan in the outer reaches of the Galaxy.

As you character travels across the galaxy in seach he picks up clues from different worlds. After all the clues as to Revan's whereabouts are discovered your character is able to get the precise quardanits as to Revan's loaction.

However, when you get there, Your ship is boarded and you are taken captive by an alien space fleet, one you have never seen before. As you sit in your holding cell a man/woman enters the detention area. It is none other than Revan.

Revan explains to you that he came out the the far reaches to hunt down the true sith. But when he got there, he was astonished to find that the Sith were fighting a loosing battle with an alien race from another Galaxy.

Now the Sith are all but destroyed, Revan explains to you that the alien race he travels with have a very unique story:

Thousands of years ago, when the Rakatan empire ruled the Galaxy, they sent a fleet of ships too the next galaxy to expand their empire. The Rakatans quickly started to conquer the galaxy but where defeated in a heroic battle that turned the tide of the war. The Rakatan threat was destroyed. The Rakatan's where very well versed in the Force, so when they apreared in the new galaxy their force powers and techniques where absorbed very rapidly by the surounding populations. Of these populations one speices was strongest with the force and was able to become powerful enough to create an empire across their galaxy. As a result all the invasion force is made up of force sensitives. As their culture grew, they discoved where the Rakatan threat had come from, and sout out to destroy it. However when they got the the galaxy they were confused to see that the Rakatan's had been destroyed. Due to the Sith's personallity to newcommers they quickly began a war that was won by the guys from the other galaxy ("guys" for now). So now is a critical point in the galaxy's live. Weather or not the guys will continue their invasion, or return home.
Weather or not you are light or darkside, the guys decide to invade and claim the galaxy. Now is when there comes a choice. Do you side with the guys, (dark) or escape to the republic to warn them about this invasion (light). Revan will make the same choices which will rely on what you said while discussing his/her past.

The majority of the game will then be made up of fighting for or agianst the invasion.

Lightside: when the war begins to go south. You discover something startling that could save the galaxy. Since all the invasion force is force sensitive, then someone like Darth Nihilus could literally devower the entire fleet. But there are two problems, Nihilus is dead, and once he consumes all those soles, he will be too powerfull to control. So you arive at the conlcusion that someone must set out to resurect Nihilus or become like him.

Darkside: As you tear through the galaxy conquering worlds faster than ever, you learn more about the invaders and thier society. You learn that there are a total of 7 fleets that are traveling to this galaxy and the one your in is only the first. You also discover that on one of the fleets is the the Emporer of the other galaxy. He is the most powerful force user in the universe and cannot be stopped with conventional means. In fact the emporer is thousands of years old and was around durring the time of the Rakatans. When the Emporer gets to the galaxy he will destroy all who oppose his empire.

Ending: As the race to the core worlds nears, things get despreate. Nihilus is still not around so there seems nothing to stop the invasion. However, as the invasion fleet reaches corasant, Master Nietzsche, reveals himself as Darth Nihilus. He explains that he wasn't in the outer-reaches of space durring the past years, but instead was a slave to Nihilus, and when he was killed by the exile, his powers, mind and body were transfused into Nietzsche. In a great display of power, Nietzsche/Nihilus devowers the incomming fleets. Durring this he becomes innormulously power full and has powers which are invinceible.

With Nihilus's new power he becomes the most power force wielder ever. But the invaders have another trick up their sleeves.

In the nick of time, the new fleets arive. And the Emporer is carried on one of them. Nihilus and the emporer feel eachother's presence and block each other off. (meaning none of thier powers could be used against eachother). For the first time you see the Emporer emerge from his chamber to go planetside inorder to face Nihilus.

The battle that insues nearly destorys the entire planet. Meanwhile your character fights his way through the streets of Corasaunt to the Jedi temple where Nihilus and The Emporer fight. When your character gets there he is faced with another choice. 1. Do nothing, 2. Join Nihilus 3. Join the emporer. however when you join the battle you're quickly thrown off to the side.

While the fight rages the republic forces are completely obliterated by the new fleets that have arrived. The invaders have successfully conquered the galaxy.

(to be continued)

Overlook of the Trayas Acadamy

Revan Retakes the Star Fordge

After the Final battle with Malak, Revan is finally able to destroy the Republic.

Malak on the Star Fordge

As Ravan approached the viewing platform of the Star Fordge Malak begins his final walk around the setting for the evident battle

Revan Vs. Malak: Star Fordge

The Final battle between Revan and Malak, where Malak was finnally stopped by Revan. After the battle Revan was able to fight off the Republic invasion of the Star Fordge and maintain his war against the Jedi.


The purpose of this blog is to post anything from Pictures to new stories having to do with the game, Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic, and The Sith Lords.
Note: Feel free to use any of these photos for whatever purposes you desire.